Juan Pierre is starting to quiet down his critics. Pierre has raised his average to .22o, and expect it to keep climbing. He's been getting on base, scoring runs, and stealing bases. You know, what we expected him to do. With him doing what he's able to do, and hopefully Rafael
Furcal can turn around his misfortunes, this Dodger team is going to be explosive. The entire offense looks healthy, and is producing. Well, almost the entire team. Wilson
Betemit is god
awful. He is currently hitting a
measly .071!. I know it's still early, but at what point are we going to stop this?.. When it's the all-star break and he's able to
legally drive faster than he's hitting?. All of you guys know how I feel about Andy
LaRoche. There is no doubt I want him in there, but at this point I'll take anyone else. Put in Wilson Valdez, he is actually killing the ball. We need production
from he hot corner, and
Betemit is providing none.
As I was watching the Dodgers game these past two days, I
couldn't help but notice how horrid looking are the Diamond Backs new unis. What where they thinking?. Plus their new sleeve patch is just waiting to be made into a bad joke. Hopefully our boys never commit fashion suicide.
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