Wednesday afternoon, the
Los Angeles Dodgers announced that they will relegate top pitching prospect Chad
Billinsgley to the bullpen. Why?... Chad showed his promise last season, and he promises to be good, extremely good. He did have control problems early, but what rookie pitcher doesn't?. He worked on his command, and down the stretch
Billingsley was their best starting pitcher until a injury slowed him down.
Billinsley then came into spring training to win the 5
th spot in the rotation, and has done nothing at all to warrant being sent to the bullpen. Such a move can only cause problems to his psyche. It's moves such as these that make me wonder "what the hell are they thinking?". Then, as if moving Bills into the bullpen wasn't bad enough, Grady Little comes out and says that Mark
Hendrickson, and Brett
Tomko are the
front runners for that spot. Again, what the hell are they thinking?.
Tomko has showed us what he's capable of, and it's not much.
Tomko is a .500 pitcher with a era in the 4's. As for
Hendrickson, the only thing that he has going for himself is he's always
the first to know when it rains. Yeah, I know. Garbage joke, but then again garbage player.
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