The anticipation for the first game of the National League Divisional Series was like no other. Man landing on the moon, Geraldo Rivera opening Al Capones vault, a fat adolescent awaiting the arrival of his pizza. None of them compare. I should have known better. The Dodgers lost the first game of the series. The fact that they lost does not bother me, how they lost is what bothers me. They gave the game away with a number of febble-minded plays. The first one of these brain farts came in the second inning with Russell Martin batting and Jeff Kent at second, and J.D. Drew at first. Russell hit a ball over Mr. Personality Shawn Green's head. Everyone at Shea knew two runs where going to score, every Dodger fan knew we had just taken a 2-0 lead. What we saw next has to be the most perplexing play Dodger fans have ever seen. The Mets managed to get both, Jeff Kent, and J.D. Drew at home.. at the same time. Was I watching Major League?.. was this Willy Mays Hayes trying to score? Once I saw this play, I knew it was going to be a tough day. The Dodgers somehow recovered from Rich Donnelly's brain-lapse, and tied the game at four on Nomar's clutch double. Grady Little then gave us another reason to hate him by bringing in the hick from Oklahoma, the same hick that has struggled ever since the All-Star game. The hick quickly gives up 2 runs, and lost the game. The Dodgers came back up again with a opportunities to get back in the game, but it was not to be. This was a nightmare game for all Dodger fans. Not only did we lose the game, but we had to watch the game on ESPN who is never bias, always looks at the story from 2 viewpoints, and covers does not favor the East Coast. We had to watch the game on that ESPN. Just in case there are any guido Met fans, I am being sarcastic. I cannot not stand listening to John Thorne, Steve Phillips, and Joe "chicken wing" Morgan. It is almost as bad as listening to the Anaheim Angels broadcast team. I thought we where watching Tom Seaver pitch the way they talked about John Maine. They kept talking up Cliff Floyd, Endy Chavez, and Pedro Feliziano. That is when you know homers are doing the game, when Endy Chaves is getting mentioned. As if their blatant pulling for the Mets was not enough, they then brought Tim Robbins into the booth. By the way, he is a huge Met fan. They also kept showing celebrity Met fans like, Ray Romano, and John McCenroe. I hate ESPN with a passion. The Dodgers need to come out today, and beat the Mets. They need to stop this East Coast bias by beating ESPN's golden boys. By the way, where was the Dodgers celebrity fans? where was Robert Whul? Where was Rob Reiner? Where was Allyssa Milano?.. We need them out there cheering our boys on.. Today something has to happen, we need to win. 67 year old Tom Glavine will pitch today for the Mets, and he is very beatable. Lets pull for our boys today, and stop watching ESPN....
1 comment:
The more I watch the play from the second inning, the more I think we should have scored only one run with JD stopping at third. I mean if that ball had not bounced off the wall right to Greene, then yes, we have both runs. But the way Kent missed the read on the ball, he was destined to be out at home (if he was going to be sent). Why Drew wasn't told to stop no matter what is beyond me, but oh well. The biggest blunder for me was Penny. I would rather have them crank home runs then score because of walks.
Kuo will get it done today
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