Barry Bonds came into town looking to make history. So far he's 0 for 2. I was there sitting in the loge level, looking on as the Dodgers beat the San Francisco Miniatures. The sad thing was that to some people the fact that we won was an
afterthought. But I guess that's what we get with so many trendy Dodger fans. Barry stepped up the plate tonight and went 0 for 3, with a walk. I almost
thougth that Barry had hit number 755 in his first at bat. I
literally threw my Dodger Dog as I saw the ball leave his bat. But, to the joy of most of the people at the game, it was not to be. Surprisingly Mark
Hendrickson pitched decently, although he did not get the win. He went 6 plus innings, giving up only 3 runs. But, despite his good pitching performance, going into the bottom of the 8
th the Dodgers trailed 4-2. Seeing how the Dodgers offense underperformed last night, things did not look good. But, the Dodgers managed to tie the game at 4 with a
clutch hit by Luis Gonzalez.
Nomar then comes up and hits a big shot into the left field
pavilion. How bout' that? I can only hope that
Nomar has found his power stroke, and carries the offense for a bit. Maybe he found his Poncho. I just hope he keeps it going.
The trade deadline came, and went. Wilson
Betemit was traded to the New York Yankees for the rubber arm Scott Proctor. On paper the move makes sense. It gives the Dodgers another arm in the pen, but why would the pitching starved Yankees give up one of their best arms in the pen? It all points to injury. Hopefully I'm wrong, and Proctor goes out and fortifies the pen. Also, Wilson
Betemit is gone!!!
D'BACKS 60 49 -
DODGERS 58 49 1.O
PADRES 56 50 2.5
ROCKIES 54 52 4.5
GIANTS 46 59 12.O
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