The ninth inning had been something of a spiritual, and emotional tradition at Dodger Stadium for the past four years. This was because Eric Gagne was "entering the jungle". Countless times, Eric strolled out from the bullpen onto the mound while electrifying the crowd. Eric would then go on and thoroughly embarrass the opposition. As for this year, Takashi Saito has been mowing down hitters a-la Gagne. He is about to make his first All-Star game, but still... something is missing. That my friends is a decent entrance song. Saito has been coming into games while "Bad to the bone" plays on the stadium speakers. The song is simply dread full. Get with the times, and pick something better. I get no rush of emotions when I see Takashi stroll in. I do have some suggestions. The first being "Empire" by Kasabian. If you listen to the song, you know what I mean. My second choice is "Hang me up to dry" by Cold War Kids. Simply awesome tune. At this point I'm willing to take a cheesy 80's Hair metal song.
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