I have not posted in a while, about two weeks. This being due to the fact that Verizon Internet sucks! Get it together man!.... As for Dodger news, On Saturday the Dodgers, and Tampa Bay Devil Rays Celebrated the "Boys of Summer". Duke Snider, Carl Erskine, and Don
Zimmer where among the players honored. To celebrate the Brooklyn Boys, the Devil Rays, and Dodgers wore throw-back unis. Frankly, I have never seen a worst sight than
Olmedo Saenz in his throwback uni. Something was just off. But that's beside the point. The reason I bring up the Boys of Summer is because HBO made a
Documentary about them. The movies is entitled Brooklyn Dodgers: The Ghost of
Flatblush. I am counting down the days
until I am able to watch it. Anyway,
that's about it for today. I am using a borrowed Laptop to post this, and I can already see the
borrower giving me the look for using it to long...
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